Village Wide Scavenger Hunt

July 14, 2018
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Apollo Park Pavillion

Hurry to the Apollo Recreation Center pavilion to receive your checklist for a fun morning of hunting for each item on your list! Bring the family or put together a team of up to six people and drive around town checking item after item off your list. You will be expected to collect items, take pictures of items and also take photos of your team doing different activities and hilarious stuff. The top three teams that return to the Apollo Recreation Center Pavilion with the most items on the list in the least amount of time will win the prizes. Some of the prizes include gift certificates for the Alsip Park District and local businesses in town, gift cards to do something fun and other very cool prizes. So join us! For added fun, dress up in costumes, uniforms or just plain crazy, super silly stuff!