Turkey Shoot

November 17, 2023
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Apollo Recreation Center - Small Gym

Are you a good free throw shooter? Try your hand at winning a Thanksgiving turkey at our parent & child annual Turkey Shoot. Divisions will consist of combined family ages: Under 30, 31-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60 & up. Practice time will be available upon request. This year, we have opened the competition to multiple days: November 14, November 15, & November 16. Register for your day/time slot.

Note: Competition consists of Parent/Child teams.

Location: ARC/Small Gym
Fee: R: Free NR: $2
Time:  5 - 8 pm
Session A: Tuesday, November 14
Session B: Wednesday, November 15
Session C: Thursday, November 16